A Hearing Heart
Randy Baker Randy Baker

A Hearing Heart

We need to hear both Jesus’ voice and His heart. Doing that requires a particular posture of our own hearts. A verse that is dear to me is Proverbs 16:1.

The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD. -Proverbs 16:1(NKJV)

Most translations have the word ‘plan’ rather than ‘preparations.’ Yet the Hebrew word means to arrange or set up, thus I think preparations is the better translation. Imagine inviting someone over for dinner. My wife prioritizes having everything ready before guests arrive, which means I need to have the same focus. So, there is a plan for the meal but most of the work is preparing more than planning. The table is set, the house is cleaned, and the food is ready, everything is prepared.

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Maria Collett Maria Collett


Imagine for a moment what it would have been like just before Jesus’ birth. The Israelites were eagerly awaiting the Messiah—a promised ruler who would establish a righteous and eternal kingdom. Under Roman occupation, they faced major oppression: heavy taxation, harsh governance, and limited autonomy. At the same time, religious corruption and legalism among the Pharisees and Sadducees fuelled a desperate cry for a spiritual leader who could bring reform and fulfill the Law. They longed for a saviour to right the injustice—a Messiah who would bring peace, deliverance, equality, and fairness to all.

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God’s Peace in Times of Turmoil
Jim Hall Jim Hall

God’s Peace in Times of Turmoil

It seems that at almost every turn there are major world events that are creating a sense of unrest and uncertainty in people, whether it be the ongoing war in Ukraine or in the Middle East, or the upcoming American election or the constant economic pressures in the world. Similar situations have been a reality in almost every generation, and yet people today are struggling with a particular sense of anxiety over where the world is heading.

What I would like to do in this post is reflect on the unexpected way in which the characteristic of God’s omniscience can actually help us connect to the peace of Christ and enable us to be, in the words of author Mark Sayers, ‘a non-anxious presence’ in the world.

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Walking In Holiness
Randy Baker Randy Baker

Walking In Holiness

"  Depending on our church background and experience we may have different views or understandings of what constitutes holiness. Thus, it seems we should begin with defining the term holiness before relating it to prayer.

      In my experience holiness was generally presented as related to behaviour, a list of do’s and don’ts. While there are do’s and don’ts in scripture, our behaviour is to flow from our heart attitudes.

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A Life of Surrender to God
Carol McIlroy Carol McIlroy

A Life of Surrender to God

What does it mean to surrender one’s life to God? A dictionary definition of surrender is “to give oneself up into the power of another”. For Christians surrender is the first act of those coming to salvation and is a continual habit of those walking with Christ. To spiritually surrender means to let go of control and trust God.

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Why Worship And Prayer Is Important
Stephen Alksne Stephen Alksne

Why Worship And Prayer Is Important

What is Worship and Prayer?

I would like to begin by giving a brief definition of both prayer and worship from my personal observations of scripture:

Prayer seems to be an act by which man can communicate with God. Prayer is seen in scripture to be communal, conversational, and inquiring. Worship seems to be a responsive act to who God is, and what He has done.

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Learning to Pray Through Scripture
Jim Hall Jim Hall

Learning to Pray Through Scripture

Most Christians are familiar with the experience of trying to pray but struggle to know how to express themselves to God. Sometimes it is difficult to know how to pray and what words to use and other times we struggle to know what to pray about at all. These challenges are certainly not unique to us as modern people; knowing how to approach God in prayer and how to express ourselves has been a difficulty experienced by every generation. One of the greatest resources in this area is found in the Scriptures themselves and today I want to share some thoughts about how we can learn to pray through different passages of Scripture.

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Our Authority in Christ
Randy Baker Randy Baker

Our Authority in Christ

“There has been much teaching in recent decades on our position in Christ and our relationship with Him. What I have never heard discussed is the difference between positional authority and relational authority. We all have a measure of positional authority by virtue of our relationship with Jesus. However, more importantly we need to develop relational authority. This idea developed in me over time through my leadership work in various roles.”

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Finding a Relationship with God in Prayer
Carol McIlroy Carol McIlroy

Finding a Relationship with God in Prayer

What is relationship, what is prayer and who is God?

I’ll define relationship as a connection, prayer as talking/communicating with God and God as He is portrayed in the Bible, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and the Creator of the universe. Who are we? We are created in God’s image for fellowship (connection) with Him and to reflect His glory on the earth. When I’m speaking to God my prayers seem to be largely “Help!”, “Thank You!”, and “I Love You!”

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Listening to the Holy Spirit
Stephen Alksne Stephen Alksne

Listening to the Holy Spirit

By far one of the most encouraging and uplifting aspects of my Christian journey has been hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. His voice has brought clarity and direction when there was confusion in my life but ultimately it has transformed my life to be more like Jesus. As I write this article, it is my prayer that my story wouldn't just resonate with you but would encourage you to seek after His voice and have the confidence to pray this simple prayer “Lord speak to me.”

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Loving God in the Midst of Unanswered Prayer
Maria Collett Maria Collett

Loving God in the Midst of Unanswered Prayer

Prayer is a fundamental practice for many of us. Throughout our Christian walk, we are reminded of verses such as, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.” -2 Cor. 1:20 or 1 John 5: 14-15, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him”.

What happens when the healing doesn’t come? What happens when our loved one doesn’t accept Christ? What happens when our prayers that have been prayed in faith don’t come to pass, what then? How do we maneuver through the complicated emotions in a way that draws us closer to Christ rather than pushes us further and further away?

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Exploring Different Forms of Prayer
Jim Hall Jim Hall

Exploring Different Forms of Prayer

“When Ethelred, the Saxon king of Northumberland, invaded Wales, and was about to give battle to the Britons, he observed near the enemy a host of unarmed men. He inquired who they were, and what they were doing. He was told that they were monks of Bangor, praying for the success of their countrymen. "Then,' said the heathen prince, 'they have begun the fight against us; attack them first.’” -Austin Phelps

For many Christians there is a strong association between prayer and engaging in a kind of spiritual battle. Have you ever heard the term ‘prayer warrior’ before? Perhaps you know someone who you might consider a ‘prayer warrior’, someone who you know actively prays and someone you would call if you had a specific prayer need. In some churches people like this are sometimes called ‘the intercessors’.

Where do we get these terms and what do they mean? How is intercessory prayer different from other forms of prayer? This is the topic I hope to explore in this blog post.

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Where Do Prayers & Proclamations Go?
Randy Baker Randy Baker

Where Do Prayers & Proclamations Go?

“Ever wonder what happens to your prayers that don’t appear to be answered? I want to answer that question to encourage us to persist in the place of prayer as we enter a new year of opportunity. One of my friends has commented more than once, “Prayers have no shelf life.” I think the same is true of prophetic proclamations. Yet if that is true we need to look at where they go. So on to a story.

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Praying in the Snow
Jim Hall Jim Hall

Praying in the Snow

Recently I’ve been reading a book called Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan, where his looks at the four seasons of nature through a spiritual lens and how we experience different spiritual seasons in our spiritual journey. The season that really caught my attention was the season of winter; one of the main reasons is that having just come through the COVID pandemic experience, life has in many ways felt like an extended season of winter. The theme of this post is ‘abiding in Christ’, which is a phrase that largely comes out of John 15 and Jesus’ teaching that we must ‘abide’ or ‘remain’ in Him in order to flourish and grow and for our lives to produce the kind of spiritual fruit that God desires for us (Jn. 15:8). What I want to write about here is about what the spiritual season of winter teaches us about prayer and particularly how prayer is one of the primary ways in which we ‘abide Christ’.

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The God of Restoration
Stephen Alksne Stephen Alksne

The God of Restoration

“In God’s unlimited power He is able to take the whole of our lives, and make something glorious of it all. At the end of our lives when we come before the judgment seat of Christ, His redemption is such that He will take all of the seasons of our greatest victories, and the seasons of our greatest failures, and not leave one part of our lives to waste. He will make a beautiful mosaic of all the seasons of our lives.”

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Comfort Me
Julianna Christensen Julianna Christensen

Comfort Me

Comfort seems to be scarce these days. I don’t mean the cozy couch or soft sweater type, I mean the heart stuff – the love and safety from a good hug. The warm aftermath from a good cry and sympathetic ear. The deep seated need to know that everything will be ok when it seems like the world is imploding. That kind of comfort. I don’t know if comfort is elusive due to the fact I don’t want to admit or show vulnerability often or if it’s the cultural discomfort with negative emotions both in and out of the church. I really don’t know. But where or how does one find comfort? Is it even out there at all…

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The Yielded Heart
Jim Hall Jim Hall

The Yielded Heart

“One of the unique prayer expressions that we do here at House of Prayer Edmonton is what we call ‘devotional prayer’. Each week we choose a specific passage of Scripture and we spend time together each day praying over that portion of the Bible. It is amazing to experience how God speaks through His Word during those times of group prayer. I remember one week when we were looking at Joshua 24…”

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Carrying His Heart
Jim Hall Jim Hall

Carrying His Heart

In my life I regularly have experiences of thinking of someone and sensing a call to pray for them. This can happen at any time during the day or when I am walking, hiking or biking. At times I wake up during the night and He brings someone to mind and I sense a call to pray for them.

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Having An Eternal Perspective
Jim Hall Jim Hall

Having An Eternal Perspective

Given the numerous examples of prayer in scripture and the scriptural calls to engage in prayer, it seems important to look at what relationship prayer has to holding an Eternal Perspective. The inspiration for “An Eternal Perspective: Living in Time, Preparing for Eternity” was my awareness that everything we do in time has ripples in eternity. Prayer is one of those things.

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