Spiritual History of Edmonton

Here is a sample of prophetic words we have been able to gather related to the church in Edmonton and area. These are provided for the purposes of prayer and discernment. We are aware that this is representative rather than exhaustive and if there is information you believe should be included please contact us at info@hopedmonton.ca

By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked
— Proverbs 11:11 (NKJV)

Some important thoughts about prophetic words. They are genuinely promises with potential that require a right response. Some things in scripture, like Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection were inevitable promises that would be fulfilled. The same was true of the prophesied return of Israel to their land by Jeremiah, he even said it would take 70 years (Jer. 29:10). Yet when Daniel read the promise of return he responded by turning to intercession – bringing it before the Lord to see it realized (Dan. 9:1-19). Many however were conditional.

An important aspect of prophetic words in the New Testament is that they have three components - Revelation, Interpretation and Application. We receive something, we seek to interpret the meaning and then discern the application. Key in the discernment process is the corporate nature of the body of Christ.

“How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” 1 Corinthians 14:26 (NKJV)

There is a general sense by some that Edmonton is a city where He wants His glory to dwell. This would make it a place where people could come to be refreshed and then go out. Just as it was first established as a Fort it is called to be a Fort for Jesus where people can be sent out for ministry but also come back to recover before going out again. Edmonton has long been known as the ‘Gateway to the North’ and a friend recently (June 1, 2020) said in prayer the Lord emphasized ‘Edmonton is KEY, it is the Gateway to the North.’

So we offer these words for your prayer and discernment.


Sara Maynard

Redleaf Prayer Ministries

My sense is that Edmonton has been given a grace for unity (Edmonton is not the only place), but has been well stewarded in the city. It’s been costly and has led the Church in Edmonton into authentic humility and maturity. 


Patricia King

I was asking [the Lord] specifically about Edmonton, and I have been seeing for two days now a vision of Edmonton like a military post. It’s like a pillar post, and its right here in this area and tonight as we were worshiping. I actually saw a portal of glory coming down upon this, and then I started seeing coming out of the military post armies of soldiers.


Rick Joyner

I combine Calgary and Edmonton in this word because their purpose is linked in the spirit. It has been the enemy’s strategy to breed competition and enmity between these cities because it is God’s purpose to unify them. His people in both cities will begin to form relationships and an interchange that will become such a bright light that they will be called “the Northern Lights.”


Rick VanDewark

C3 Church Edmonton

I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit as I was praying and singing in the spirit with a group of people. During that time the lord took me on an aerial fly over of the province. It was exhilarating and left me pondering what the experience meant.


Other Prophetic Words over Edmonton

David Damien - 1990’s

  • Edmonton is a birthing city

Dennis Wiedrick - 1990’s

  • The name of the angel of this city is Abundance

  • Edmonton is a supply city. Similar to the Klondike era. People came from miles away to be replenished with supplies and then would go back to their communities