What is House of Prayer Edmonton?
House of Prayer Edmonton (HoPE) exists to see a continual expressions of prayer over the Edmonton region. We are a para-church ministry seeking to be a catalyst in bringing Christians from a variety of churches and denominations together to pray for a wide variety of themes, with a focus on the greater Edmonton area and beyond.
What are your prayer meetings like?
Our prayer meetings have three different parts: worship, intercession and devotional prayer (prayer focused on a specific Scripture passage). There is a prayer leader who facilitates the meeting and people pray out loud as they feel led. There is no pressure or expectation to pray out loud.
How can I get involved?
The best way to get involved is to come and join us in the prayer room, either in person or online. We have week-day prayer gatherings from 10:00am - 12:00pm. All of our prayer gatherings follow a drop-in format, so you can come at any time and stay as long as you are able.
How is HoPE supported?
Through people like you! We are not officially affiliated with any one church or denomination (but we’re friends with many). All of our support comes from individuals or churches who have decided to partner with HoPE in seeing a day and night expression of prayer in Edmonton. If HoPE is something you would like to support you can do so here or contact us at info@hopedmonton.ca and we’ll happily work with you.
How are staff supported?
Our staff team raise their own support teams. We work with them and train them, and then they go out and find individuals who can support them financially. All the finances flow through HoPE and are overseen by our bookkeeper and board.